The Rules
Photos accepted January 15, 2025 – May 1, 2025.
All photos must be taken by children under the age of 13.
Along with the original, high-resolution photograph, submissions must include:
- child’s first name and first letter of last name (example: Sam P.)
- child’s age
- city and state of child’s residence
- a brief 2-3 sentence description, in the child’s own words, of the photograph, including what the child saw, what the photo means to him/her, why he/she took the photograph, etc.
- service member parent’s first name and first letter of last name
- service member parent’s branch of service
- service member parent’s rank/title
- service member parent’s position/job
- parent/guardian’s telephone number (will not be published)
To submit, email the original, high-resolution photograph, along with the above required information, in the body of an email, and this release, signed and scanned, as an attachment to
All components must be submitted for consideration.
© Verve Central Productions